Positive Behavior Interventions and Support

Our district staff has been working hard to implement a new student behavior management program called PBIS. PBIS stands for Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. The purpose of this program is to focus on teaching students positive behaviors in a school setting and rewarding or praising students for demonstrating these behaviors. The school-wide PBIS model has four core principles which include:

1. Behavioral Expectations- Developing a group of behavior expectations that are taught by school staff on a regular basis. Examples of these could be to Respect Yourself, Others, and Property.

2. Labeling Appropriate Behaviors in Action- Demonstrating and teaching students what the behavioral expectations look like in particular settings, such as Using two hands to carry your tray to the table.

3. Teaching Appropriate Behavioral Actions- Staff determines how to teach students appropriate behaviors in a fun, positive way.

4. Observing and Praising Appropriate Behavioral Actions- It is important to continually observe appropriate behaviors and praise students for their actions rather than focusing on inappropriate behaviors.

School Motto and Behavioral Expectations
efferson students….
Have respect
Act responsibly
Work hard and show
Classroom Behavior

​Each classroom teacher and special area teacher (P.E., Art, etc.) will be developing a behavior program in their own classroom where students have the opportunity to earn “J-Hawks” for specified appropriate behavior. All school employees will be looking for students demonstrating appropriate behaviors throughout our building and relaying that information back to the classroom teacher, where a “J-Hawk” could be earned.


Every few months we will designate an area of focus for our behavior teachings. Our first area is the cafeteria. We recently introduced this area by showing a short video of appropriate and inappropriate behaviors in the cafeteria. This was particularly enjoyable to the students because the video was developed in our own cafeteria using some of our own students. You can view this video on our website under the PBIS Quick Link. Students have an opportunity to earn a reward for continued appropriate cafeteria behaviors. This month’s reward is a special lunch in our “J-Hawk Café”. Students will be served lunch by teachers and will be as if they were in a fancy restaurant.

Caught Being Good

Each classroom teacher will be given two “Caught Being Good” certificates that they will distribute to two students each month. If a teacher notices that a student did something extraordinary, they will give one of the two monthly certificates to that student. The student will then come to my office where I will call home to let his/her parents know the great things that they did. Their picture will also be placed on a special bulletin board for recognition.
Monthly Assemblies

 Toward the beginning of each month, we will hold a K-6th grade monthly assembly where we will focus on and teach students appropriate behavior in specific areas of the building. We will also recognize our students who were “Caught Being Good”. These assemblies are intended to be fun and educational.

 Elementary Incident Report

We have created a specific Elementary Incident Report for inappropriate student behaviors. Our core team determined behaviors that will be dealt with by the teacher within the classroom, as well as behaviors that will be documented and reported to the office. The office managed behaviors are incidents that are more severe. We want students to know that they are not tolerated in school. The following are examples of classroom managed and office managed behaviors…

Classroom Managed Behaviors  Office Managed Behaviors 
 Non-Compliance with staff directions            Aggressive Physical Behavior
 Classroom Disruption Inappropriate Behavior (sexual in nature)
 General Inappropriate Language Personal Threats
 Academic Dishonesty Safety Concern (Weapons, Hurting others)
 Social Conflict Vandalism
  Repetitive Infraction - Any behavior that occurs
3 x's in one day

If an office managed behavior occurs parents will be notified with a phone call and disciplinary action could possibly be issued depending upon the situation.